Sunday, June 2, 2024

Punta Arena de la Ventana en route to Los Frailes, Sea of Cortez

On Friday I ended up diverting to the north side of Punta Arena de la Ventana rather than continuing on to Los Muertos as originally planned. The swell, though small, was from the south and Los Muertos is open in that direction. I figured I might be more comfortable in the lee of the point, plus I had never anchored there before.

I anchored on Friday afternoon in 30 feet of water off a sandy beach that stretches for miles in crescent to form Bahía de la Ventana (“Window Bay”), a famous kite- and windsurfing venue due to its strong, predictable winds. I was the only boat there and felt a bit alone and exposed in  the open bay and vast sandy landscape. But I was comfortable. I took a brief swim, drank a beer with a shot of tequila, ate dinner and had a peaceful night’s sleep.

I spend yesterday making arrangements with marinas in Ensenada and San Diego and beginning to plan the third leg of my bash from San Diego to San Francisco. I’m very much hoping my son Luther will join me for at least part of that leg. We haven’t sailed together for eons. I think it would be a nice break for him and I would very much enjoy his company.

Yesterday, late afternoon, the wind died down and I landed the paddleboard on the beach and had a good run along the crescent of sand. I didn’t exercise much in the heat of La Paz. It’s not cool here, but it’s not broiling either.

When I got back to the boat, I refreshed myself with a swim, during which I inspected the propeller anodes that I replaced about a week ago. Not good. They are already beginning to erode. I don’t know why, my stray current measurements all turned out to be insignificant and nothing has changed on the boat, galvanically. I’m beginning to wonder if I have a bad lot of anodes, something not right with metallurgy. I’m thinking of buying a set of expensive Gori (“Gucci”) propeller anodes in San Diego and trying them out.

We left Punta Arena this morning around 7am and am heading to Los Frailes. The light southerly swell continues and Frailes is open to the south, so it may not be as comfortable anchored there. We’ll see. I plan on spending tomorrow at anchor there before continuing on, leaving the Sea of Cortez and taking a slip in Puerto Los Cabos marina for a few days.

Other than the anodes, Intermezzo is performing well. As usual, wind is on the nose. But I didn’t have to tell you that. The wind comes from whatever direction I’m sailing in, no matter the location or season. I’m cursed. My poor little Yanmar motors are always chugging away, never a break.