Sunday, November 15, 2015

Caleta Lobos

Caleta Lobos.
Intermezzo is anchored on the fringe of shallow water in the bottom lobe of the cove

We are enjoying our best anchorage so far, Caleta Lobos, a relatively secluded cove only about 10 nm from La Paz.  The water is all different shades of blue, surrounded on three sides by steep desert hills with cacti and with a beach and some mangroves at its innermost portion. The coral around the perimeter of the cove is quite healthy with lots of fish, which makes for nice snorkeling, right off the boat.

Two-thirds of the trip here was mostly motoring upwind...again. The last third was beautiful sailing on just the right points of sail to let Intermezzo stretch her legs. I really enjoyed it, especially after six hours of diesel engine throbbing. As quiet as our engines are, they are thunderous compared to sailing.  Plus, the motion of the boat is so much nicer under sail.

If the rest of the Sea of Cortez is as nice as this, I don't think I will want to leave!

Baja coastline on the way north to La Paz.  These hills are actually covered with green vegetation. We hadn't seen that yet.
Standing on the anchor in 5 feet of water in Caleta Lobos. An advantage of catamarans is that we can get into shallower water than most other boats.  Gives us room to breathe, plus often lots of marine life to watch in the shallows. 
Intermezzo at anchor in Caleta Lobos. Beach and mangroves in the background.

One of the many thousands of different shades of blue water in the Sea of Cortez. Cacti hanging on for dear life.  
This osprey liked sitting on our wind sensor and was so big I'm sure would have broken it. I had to keep shoo-ing him/her off by banging on the shroud. 

A beautiful Caleta Lobos sunset looking towards La Paz.