Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Puerto Chiapas to Marina Barilla: 15 Mar 22:00

Motoring along, little wind, calm seas. Still very warm, after a very hot day. It's going to get hotter and more humid as we go south, something I'm not looking forward to.

Nice salad for dinner. We haven't used much of the canned food that we brought with us from home. We have to start eating it before the cans start to rust and we don't want to store them over the summer. So we added cans of tuna and salmon to our salads, plus a can of beans. Pretty good.

We're far enough offshore, about 10 nm, to be out of panga territory for the night.

Saildrives still behaving well.

Ugh. It's hot and dank out, even at night. Sea surface temperature is showing 88 degrees. The instrument reads high, but I calibrated it recently so isn't too far off. That's pretty damn warm...El Niño?