Saturday, March 9, 2019


15.36N 93.80W
Enroute to Puerto Chiapas

It's flat.

The sea is very calm, the humidity makes the air fuzzy, we can't see land, no topography on any horizon. The swells are so far apart, even they seem flat. As flat as waves can be, that is.

I remember this from my first crossing of the Tehuantapec. After all the excitement of potential gales and heavy seas for the first half, the second half is just a long slog of...flatness. Like driving across Kansas after the Rocky Mountains.

Do I sound bored? I'm not really. Plenty to do. But flatness pervades.

Roy saw a whale. I didn't. That was exciting for him.

Two fishing pangas came alongside earlier today. I gave the first pair of fishermen two Cokes, the second pair some precooked rice, salsa and cookies. (Our provisions suitable for charitable giving are sparse.)

We snagged two fishing lines, one due to my inattention, the other due to bad luck. We freed ourselves quickly.

We most of the afternoon yesterday and last night in light airs, the boat making a steady 3-4 knots. This morning the wind died to nearly nothing and we've been motoring since. If we keep up our present speed we should arrive at the harbor entrance to Puerto Chiapas about 0600 tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile, it's flat.