Still, I managed to get a haircut. It looks okay, but the person cut it thought it should be combed forward, while I normally comb back. Somehow I think it makes me look a bit like Paul Ryan, but without his widow's peak, more forehead, and a better tan. Oh, and he colors his hair; I don't need to. I'll give this look a go. The good thing about sailing is that all you have to really do is manage your hair. There's no reason to do anything else. It's just going to get wet, wind blown, salty, slept on...
I've started planning our passage south. We want to be leaving Mexican waters by the middle of next month to start the Central America leg of the voyage. To do that we have about 600 nm to sail, including crossing the notorious Gulfo de Tehuantepec. This body of water is subject gale force winds that blow from the Gulf of Mexico, across and over a narrow isthmus of land and blast down onto the Pacific, resulting in high winds and huge seas. We need to wait for a good weather window to cross this body of water. Sometimes the gales can blow for two weeks before they let up, as they are forecast to do so right now.
Our plan is to head from here to Acapulco, where we will make a short rest stop and satisfy Renee's need to shop at Costco. Then we'll head to Bahias de Huatulco, located at the north end of the Tehuantepec and wait the two day weather window we need to cross the gulf. Once the weather's good, we'll go like hell, sticking to the calmer waters along the shore to reach the safe harbor at Puerto Chiapas at the south end. Once safe in Chiapas, we figure on taking another road trip to see this part of Mexico, which everyone we met who has been there says is one of the most beautiful parts of Mexico.