Saturday, February 6, 2016

Manzanillo to Ixtapa, 02 Feb 05:36

It's been a quiet night, motoring in light winds. Also very warm; I didn't put a shirt on until after midnight.

We had quite a bit of shipping traffic on our way out of Manzanillo. We threaded Intermezzo under motor between two container ships and one bulk carrier. Then we hoisted the Code 0 and enjoyed a leisurely downwind sail until about 1900 when the wind died. We had a nice salad with fresh mozzarella cheese for dinner.

Around 2100, lights appeared on the horizon. I must have been subconsciously worried about hostile vessels, as I immediately tagged it as a MARPA target on the radar and kept the binoculars on it. It was just a sport fishing boat making it's way north. Since then, the only vessels have been big ships plying their way north and south along the coast. It feels kind of reassuring to have a ship nearby. I think I got a bit spooked by the warnings about conditions in Michoacan. Our taxi driver in Colima said, "Michoacan is hell", when we asked him about drug violence. I guess that would spook anyone.

Renee comes on watch in a few minutes and the sun will rise soon.

All is well.