Tuesday, April 18, 2023

End of the Silence

 Sea of Cortez, Mexico

I haven’t posted to this blog for almost a year, at the end of our 2022 cruise. The main reason for me not writing posts is so that I could focus on publishing my Sailing Intermezzo book, a chronicle of my sailing voyage from San Francisco to New York, combined with a personal love story. The book will soon be published. I’ll provide more information soon in another post.

I also have held off writing because I didn’t think I had anything novel or very interesting to say. I would just be covering passages in waters already sailed, anchorages already visited, boat repairs, whining about the wind forecasts; the same old, same old.

But I will soon be embarking upon a singlehanded exploration of new waters in the northern Sea of Cortez, as I bring Intermezzo to Puerto Peñasco to be laid up on the hard (on land) for an extended break from sailing and a major refit after over a decade and well over 20,000 miles of sailing.

I intend to write daily posts over the next week or so to bring the blog up-to-date on my sailing adventures, provide a preview and information about my book, share my decision-making regarding Intermezzo’s lay-up, and begin the chronicle of my journey north.

I’m writing this post as Intermezzo sails serenely along downwind towards Los Gatos in the Sea of Cortez, accompanied by my family-member crew of Christina, Nate and 7 year-old Maddie. We left La Paz on April 13 and have been enjoying a leisurely passage north with stops at Isla Partida and Isla San Francisco for rest and recreation.

Since acquiring a Starlink system in January that provides a high speed internet satellite connection, I have not activated my IridiumGo! communication device and its old tracking link is no longer active. You can now track Intermezzo’s progress on my Garmin tracking site at https://share.garmin.com/sjcox. I’ve updated the tracking link on the blog website accordingly.

More posts coming soon….