After a
solid week’s work and some help from my marine industry friends, the boat is
getting really close to being ready to leave.
watermaker is wired up and I ran the pumps for a second or two each. I’m
holding off on finishing final commissioning and testing until next week. Once
you start using a watermaker, you have to keep using it at least every five
days or biological growth fouls the membrane.

I worked with Roberto at KKMI to figure out what engine spares to carry and purchased them. Mostly filters and belts, but Roberto thought a spare raw water pump would be a good idea and I agreed. I also had the valves adjusted, a few hundred hours ahead of schedule. It turned out to be a good idea because Roberto said they were pretty far out of adjustment.
mainsail is at Quantum getting inspected and serviced, promised back for next Wednesday.
We should
get most of the house cleared out this weekend. We made good progress last
weekend, although it was far more stressful relationship-wise than I would have
believed. I think boxing up stuff brought forth a lot of suppressed stress,
feelings and emotions. Plus it was 90+ degrees out. Plus we have a LOT of
stuff. Hopefully that’s behind us now
and we will be a sounder footing for this weekend’s effort.
Next week
will be a busy one. Finishing clearing out the house. Bring the boat to Gilles’
for some rigging upgrades and bend the mainsail back on. Finish the Iridium Go!
antenna wire installation. Install padeyes for our tethers and jacklines. See
Rose for my last hometown haircut. Officially leave work. Get all the insurance
policies confirmed. Start mail forwarding service. Order last items left on
purchase list and have them shipped to Jeanne in San Diego.
We’ll bring
the boat up the Petaluma River on Thursday to have it closer to home for
loading it up with our personal gear and provisions.
There’s a
lot to do, but it looks like there is a very good chance we will depart “on
schedule” on October 3rd or 4th. That’s amazing!
I'm starting to say "goodbye" to people. It's a big deal. Especially when saying it to someone who you really care about and will miss.